Tree Removal & Disposal

Having to remove a tree is at times going to be the best option that we have available. It is not that we are not open to trying virtually anything to make sure that we can keep a tree around. At times though trees can become a safety hazard or they can just simply be in the way. If you know that you are going to want to have a tree removed giving us a call is one of the safest bets that you can make. We will come in and remove the tree safely, plus we will also take the tree with us so you won’t have to worry about disposing of debris or anything like that.
Full Removal
If you happen to have stumbled upon our stump grinding and removal page you probably know by now that when we remove trees we like to get them all the way through. Perhaps most importantly we provide root removal services. These can continue to grow if they are not tended to properly. So for us when we remove a tree it is very important to make sure that we are not leaving any type of trace behind. Unless of course, you are looking to have a stump on your property.
We Take Your Tree With Us
The title is a bit inaccurate if we are honest most of the times we will shred the tree on the spot. The reason that we do this is that it is easier to transport a pile of wood chips than it is to carry a full tree. This actually works better for you also, because we are not going to be needing a larger truck to be able to take the tree with us. Whatever the case may be you can rest assured that you are not going to have to worry about the tree!
How Do We Dispose Of Trees
We are not going to be taking the reminders of your trees or plants to some vacant lot and throwing them out there. Another one of the reasons why we are mostly going to be shredding trees right on the spot is so that recycling that wood becomes a lot easier. You can rest assured that any tree or plant that we remove, that has the potential to be reused or recycled will be handled properly. Even when you have to remove a tree you can know that it will be properly taken care of!
Root Removal
One of the most important things to consider when removing a tree is that the roots are not something that you can just leave behind. They need to be properly removed as well, or they can continue to be a problem. A lot of people will leave most of the roots because they don’t want to cause greater collateral damage to the lawn. We get the idea but generally, we believe that proper root removal is going to be the way to go!